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Above: Frequency response, iMic Control 1.0 tone controls set to minimum.

Above: Frequency response, iMic Control 1.0 tone controls set as shown.

Above: Frequency response, iMic Control 1.0 tone controls set as shown.

Above: Frequency response, iMic Control 1.0 tone controls set as shown.

Above: Frequency response, iMic Control 1.0 tone controls set as shown.

Measurement conditions:

Channel 1 is shown, and is representative of Channel 2.

iMic Firmware 1.0 Update

Input level (gain) adjusted with iMic Control 1.0, set to minimum.

Note: the measurements may be replicated with the free, demo version of Mac the Scope (the session timeout limit provides ample time for making the measurement).

Back to measurement index page for this product

Here are links to some other measurements.

Here is a procedure for making the distortion measurement.

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